All Series

Title Category Description Speakers Hits
Hebron, Its Purpose and Development Teachings

A talk about the purpose of Hebron, a community owned and run rural property in South Australia.

Leadership in YHVH's kingdom and why it's male Teachings
A five part teaching on spiritual leadership within YHVH's kingdom, why its male and why its so strongly opposed in modern times. Leadership in God's Word for His people Israel, for Yeshua's Assemblies /Body, for marriage and the family home, was and is always male. This has nothing to do with gender roles and equality, but about authority structures and boundaries.
Feminism, in its many forms, is as rife in the Christian Church as in the Political world, the Business world and the social world. Let us look at what the Scriptures have to say about men and women, Husbands and Wives, and leadership. This subject is about love, respect, honour and happy, well-balanced families, and a civil, democratic society that is not tearing itself apart.
John Pike 2386
Messengers of the Kingdom of Elohim All Series

The great message of Yeshua was consistently the Kingdom of Elohim.  He came to establish that Kingdom and lead people to into it.
Yeshua then chose the twelve and another seventy to go proclaiming the same message as Him.   He is still choosing His team, are you one of them?

John Pike 690
Messiah, Messianics and Torah Teachings

A two part teaching and discussion on Torah for today.  What is its purpose and what is and isn't required of us as messianic gentiles.

John Pike 1487
My Great Name Teachings

His name, importance and implications of christian theologies.

John Pike 1493
The Corinthian Believers and Us Teachings John Pike 2348
The doctrine of trinity Teachings

A look into Christianities doctrine of the trinity

John Pike 1430
The Importance Of Sabbath Feasts And Kingdom Teachings
What is the purpose and importance of keeping the appointed Sabbaths and Feasts of YHVH.
John Pike 1485
The Land Of Eiseget Uncategorised

A parable shared on Shavuot to convey the false nature of Christianities Pentecost.

John Pike 3652
The Israel & Gaza War All Series

A teaching on the purpose of Israel as a nation and why God brought them into existence in the earth and how disobedience to their God released hatred against His chosen nation. All truth is established in the covenant made with Israel through His prophets. We all must follow that or war and conflict will always be the result.

John Pike 301
Blessing Is Based On Obedience Teachings John Pike 63

