
For general information you can send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., but also please feel free to contact any of the team below directly.



John Pike - 0438 839 788



John Pike

PO Box 269

Littlehampton, SA 5250



If you would like to support our ministry in the Adelaide Hills or Mildura and the advancing of the Messianic message to the Christian church and the world around us, please use the bank details below.


Adelaide Hills

Name: Healing to the Nations Messianic Community

BSB: 065-522

Account Number: 1032 9483



Name: Good News Messianic Community - Mildura

BSB: 065-522

Account Number: 1032 9539


YHVH bless you.


Elders' Contacts:
