New Moon
Friday, 31 January 11:00 AM
Shekem - 461 Callington Road, Salem
Celebrating New Moon together at Shekem with prayer, worship and the Word, and sharing lunch afterwards. A time of fellowship, honouring YHVH's word.
Psalm 81:3-5:
3 Lift up a song and sound a tambourine,
a sweet lyre with a harp.
4 Blow the shofar at the New Moon,
at the full moon for the day of our festival.
5 For it is a decree for Israel,
an ordinance of the God of Jacob.
461 Callington Road, Salem, South Australia
List of Dates (Page event details)
- Friday, 31 January 11:00 AM
- Thursday, 02 January 11:00 AM
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