The Kingdom Of Heaven And The Kingdoms Of Men - Part Two


We have been looking at the how the Torah (the Law) of Elohim is perfect, and how it is the perfect picture of true righteousness and the Kingdom of Heaven. Torah defines what is right and what is wrong, what is moral and what is immoral, and how all mankind will be judged on that basis. We also looked at how Yeshua taught and applied those principles and truths. 

On this basis of Scriptural teaching by the prophets of old, Yeshua and the apostles and their use of the Torah we can determine what is of Elohim and what is of man. Are we living out the Torah as Yeshua did and in the ways He taught, or are we living out the deceptions of the false teachers, prophets and apostles of today?

Proverbs 1:1-6, 2:1-6, 3:1-10. 

James, the greatest of teachers on the importance of keeping the Torah as well as having faith in Yeshua, says, “But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all without hesitation and without reproach; and it will be given him.” (James 1:5.)

James is undoubtedly thinking of Solomon, and his request of Elohim to give him wisdom and knowledge.

2 Chronicles 1:7, 10-12.

Wisdom is the application of knowledge and understanding, and Solomon knew he needed it. And according to James, we all need to ask for it and will receive it too, if we ask in faith believing.

Joyce Meyer defines wisdom as doing now what you'll be happy with later. (26 Aug 2022).

Well, I can be pretty sure that she, along with multitudes of other preachers, pastors and teachers won’t be happy with what comes later, on the basis of what they are teaching now. But Solomon, who became the wisest of the wise, wrote the Proverbs and applied wisdom, understanding, knowledge and the fear of Y’Hovah as the purpose of the Law, the Torah and the Teachings of Elohim. (Read Psalm 119.)

We are going to look at another of the strange sayings or commandments of our Heavenly Father in the Torah:


The Clothing We Wear

Leviticus 19:19

“You must keep My statutes. You are not to crossbreed different kinds of animals. You are not to sow your field with two kinds kinds of seed, nor are you to wear a garment woven of two kinds of material.”

Again, the metaphors used in this regard carry the same message as 'the seed we sow'. But this is probably a little more about who we are as people and what we believe in our hearts. It speaks to our integrity of faith and rightly dividing the Word of truth, and being clothed in righteousness and not the filthy rags of the flesh. We are told not to cloth ourselves in a garment of mixed linen and wool, or any other mixtures of fibre.

Matthew 22:1-14.

What clothing we are wearing is paramount here in this parable told by Yeshua. If our clothes are wrong, we are in trouble, and we will not be allowed into the wedding of the Lamb, and  wearing anything different from that which is required will be severely punished. We will look a little at this in its Scriptural history - as in, its use by Israel in its priestly role. Torah is always precise because it is Kingdom and eternal in its message.

Exodus 28:1-6, 15, 39-41.

All the garments of the priesthood were to be made of finely twisted linen. These are called “kadosh garments for splendour and beauty. They are garments that separate him from the ordinary so that he may minister unto Y’Hovah.

No other cloth or garment was suitable or acceptable before or in the presence of the Almighty. The High Priest not only represented Yeshua, but was a type of Yeshua the Messiah Himself in His earthly ministry and in His heavenly dwelling, called the Kingdom of Heaven or the Heavenly Tabernacle.

There was to be nothing else to be mixed or woven into the message, the ministry, or service of the priesthood. Anything of man's message or service was idolatry. Add nothing, change nothing, subtract nothing or be cursed.

Linen represented the finest, the purest, the most kadosh, the sanctifying righteousness of the one who wore it, and the One into whose presence he came. Without this clothing of linen, no ministry was acceptable to Elohim.                                                                                                                                               John 19:23-24. Even what Yeshua wore was exactly as it had to be to fulfil the prophetic nature of Scripture. (Psalm 22:19.) 

Exodus 28:31-35. It was essential that He ministered exactly as the High Priest Aaron to prove His identity as Messiah, the anointed and consecrated One. Pomegranates of three different colours, and bells made of gold. The colour of this linen robe was to be blue. That speaks to me of ministering in the power and anointing of Y’Hovah Ruach. The pomegranates and the bells speak to me of the fruits and gifts of the Ruach HaKodesh.

This is the ministry of righteousness in the power of the Ruach. He, the High Priest, must wear this robe in order to minister. To minister in anything other than fine linen (righteousness), in any other spirit or truth, in any other gifts or fruits, is to minister in the flesh and the devil as pseudo ministers of light. (2 Corinthians 11:12-15.) To come before Y’hovah to minister, or to represent Him before the people in any other garment is to die!

Is Christianity ministering in garments of mixed fibre? Are they truly representing God’s Kingdom, or the Kingdoms of men? Let’s read what James the brother and apostle of Yeshua said in James 3:1, 13-18. Is our wisdom and teaching “earthly, unspiritual and demonic?”

Luke 23:50-53. Yeshua was wrapped in a linen cloth. It is a detail that tells a story. Maybe all bodies were wrapped in linen material, but if so, it is not mentioned in any other burials that I am aware of.

John 20:1-9. Again, emphasis is made that the material the disciples saw at the grave sight were linen wrappings. It was, in my mind, essential that Yeshua was wrapped in fine white linen at His death, because His resurrection was dependant on Him being a righteous, pure and perfect sacrifice. Yeshua’s burial dress, what He was clothed in at His death, represents His righteous ministry and acceptance as the Lamb of God.


What Of Our Righteousness?

What does Revelation say about linen in relationship to us and Heaven, and does it have any relevance that we should be aware of? Revelation 15:1-8.

It seems if you are not dressed in the right clothing, then you are not welcome into the presence of the Almighty. Yeshua was dressed in pure linen, the angels are dressed in pure linen, then I am sure if we are not dressed in pure linen we will not be welcomed into His Kingdom either.

Where do we stand on the righteousness of the Law, the teachings of Torah and true faith in Yeshua?

Revelation 19:6-9. It is made very clear that all who are to be part of the wedding banquet of the Lamb, must be clothed in fine linen, bright and clean, just like the priesthood and the angelic messengers in Heaven. Isaiah 61:10-11.

This fine linen is the righteous deeds of the kedoshim.

It is the righteous deeds that sanctify, set apart, and make us acceptable to Elohim, not our faith alone. Yeshua and the apostles all tell us that we will be judged on our works and our words on that day. Not just our faith, but our walk and works must be pure and white, which is symbolised by fine linen.

Isaiah 64:4-6. Here we are told to “do righteousness.” And “You were angry when we keep sinning all the time.”

Our sinning, our lawlessness, is uncleanness and a self righteousness that is just like wearing a filthy garment. This is wearing a garment of mixed fibres. It is mixing the fine linen of righteousness with living in disobedience to Torah and following the doctrines of man.

Yeshua highlighted it with this accusation to the religious man: “Having left behind the commandments of God, you hold on to the traditions of men.” “You set aside the commands of God, in order that you may validate your own tradition."

That’s wearing a garment made of mixed fibres!

We are told therefore to wash our garments if we want to be part of His Kingdom.

Revelation 7:9-14. The solution is to wash your robes in the blood of the Lamb. These came out of the great tribulation. They realised they were living Lawless lives, not according to the Commandments, and now the Beast was demanding loyalty and they realised the error of their ways. They repented and became true followers of Yeshua.

“They washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.” No more mixture!

Revelation 22:13-19. The Revelation to John finishes where it started, with a warning to Elohim’s Communities. If they don’t wash their robes, they will not be part of His Kingdom, have no right of access to The Tree of Life, nor into His city. Add anything or take away any truth, and your name will be removed from all its promises and blessings.

Revelation 22:16. “I, Yeshua, have sent My angel to testify these things to you for My Communities.”

These are the same seven Communities that John was told to send this revelation to in chapters two and three. These Communities were given not only commendations and encouragement, but warnings of judgement and dire consequences if they didn’t change or overcome.

They had issues they had to deal with, and repent of. They were all sins of the flesh, the breaking of Torah, false teachings, idolatry and immoral life styles. There was some good, but much very, very bad and unacceptable beliefs and behaviour. I will reference just one them.


Messiah’s Community In Sardis

Revelation 3:1-6. Yeshua said “I know your deeds - you have a reputation for being alive but you are dead.”

But He goes on to say there are some who have been overcomers, they haven’t stained their clothes. "They will walk with Me in white, they will be dressed in white clothes. Their names will not be taken out of the Book of Life."

The Ruach is speaking to Messiah’s Communities!

If you are genuine about being a follower of Yeshua, about truth and righteousness, about Elohim and His Kingdom, then do things His way, or nothing will go your way.

It is always His way or the wide way to banishment.

The promises are to those who will wash their robes in repentance and His righteousness. No more garments of false teachings and fleshly, idolatrous religion. You must not wear garments of mixed fibres. That is the garments of Torah as found in Yeshua, called the fine linen garments of righteousness, being mixed with the garments of men's traditions and works of the flesh, which are garments of idolatry and Lawlessness.


