Yeshua, the Carrier of Controversy
Mark 1:1, 9-10, 14-15, 21- 28. Matthew 4:17, 23-25. Acts 10:34-43.
Ruach HaKodesh is the power of Elohim made manifest in men. Yeshua and the apostles only moved and taught in the power of the Ruach, and so must we.
Yeshua and the apostles’ message were the Good News of the Kingdom of Heaven, or of God. Yeshua travelled throughout the cities and villages of Israel with this message of the Good News. Yeshua Himself is the Good News and in Him is the Kingdom, the power and the glory.
The important point is that both the Messenger and the message came from Heaven, and it was therefore of God and not of man. As soon as man touched the message, it became corrupted. Man made religious systems of idolatrous traditions full of doctrines of demons; and a multitude of false apostles, prophets and teachers have been released into the earth.
Mark 7:5-13; Matthew 22:29, 24:11-14, 24-25.
Unfortunately and tragically, Christianity has changed the Good News of the Kingdom of Heaven into the gospel according to man, and the great commission – manmade promises with a false hope in a false message.
Both of these concepts are easy, greasy messages of salvation, that bring people into a false hope of a rapture into heaven that doesn’t exist in Scripture. If anything of our message is different from Yeshua’s or Paul’s we are a cursed people.
Galatians 1:6-12; Matthew 5:17-20, 7:21-29.
There is to be nothing of man or tradition in our message. If it’s not all of God, then it is not true salvation, and entrance into the Millennial Reign of God’s Kingdom is lost. All that will be heard is: Depart from Me, I never knew you, you are Lawless – or Torahless.
Satan, the devil and god of this world is the father of lies and a murderer that comes into our Churches and meetings, masquerading as an angel of light through all his false apostles, prophets and teachers. His ministers are pedalling his doctrines of deception and death. Have we become an apostate people and preachers? 2 Corinthians 4:1-6, 11:1-15.
This evil deception and unnoticed forgery of Y’Hovah’s Word was horrendously prevalent in Paul and the apostles’ day; how much more in our day as prophesied by Yeshua!
There are a lot of “super apostles and prophets” around in our world today. And they are in control of our mainstream mega churches, Charismatic and Evangelical churches, and a multitude of lots of smaller Churches wanting to be like them in their messages, their music, their pomp and their pageantry.
They present themselves as special, powerful, anointed. They promise much but deliver death, deception, judgement and division. Their day is coming – “their end will be according to their deeds.”
What is our message and stance to be in the face of this opposition to the truth of God’s Good News? The freedom found in obedience to Messiah and the Torah, the righteous teachings of Y’Hovah Elohim. 2 Corinthians 2:12-17, 10:1-6.
It’s Not How We Start – It’s How We Finish
Yeshua speaks to us of the falling away of the believers in the last days, and the love of many growing cold because Lawlessness will multiply. Matthew 24:9-14.
Paul writes about the end of his journey, and the need to stand strong and true to the end. 2 Timothy 4:1-6. Don’t be deceived.
Finally, we will read from Revelation how the Community of God’s people may have started well, but finished as a people of lost love – that is, disobedience to Y’Hovah and His Law.
1 John 2:3-6, 3:4, Revelation 1:10-16. Revelation 2:1-5.
Their fellowship was about to be removed, regardless of their good points. If we don’t finish with a faith and an obedient heart to Yeshua and His Word, we will become like the last Community on Yeshua’s list of witnesses to us - the Laodiceans. Revelation 3:14-22.
Yeshua says the majority of His end time Communities (this last group mentioned) will be in the condition of those He will spew out of His mouth.
He is knocking at the door, looking for change and repentance. If we do, we will become like the Philadelphian Community.
“He who has an ear, let him hear what the Ruach is saying to Messiah’s Communities.”
James 2:5. “Listen my dear brothers and sisters. Didn’t God choose the poor in this world to be rich in faith and heirs of the Kingdom that He promised to those that love Him?”